As a Petsitter, you can choose and edit the services that you want to offer.
First, log into your account. Then, go to 'Settings' which can be found in the drop-down menu on the left hand side of the screen. Or just click here:
This should open up a page with GoWalk, GoNanny and GoHoliday listed. Next to each is a toggle, you can click this toggle to either activate or deactivate it.
To change the settings for each service individually, click on 'My Profile' in the services section and then you can change each service in more detail.
You can then edit where your Petsitter services will take place:
And how much you charge:
Just remember to save the changes you have made by clicking “EDIT MY PROFILE”
Please bear in mind that we are currently experiencing technical issues with the mobile app and site, therefore a lot of features are not available on these platforms. Our tech team is working on it, and hopefully it will be running soon. If you do not have access to a PC or laptop, please get into contact with us and we will help you.
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